Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Why Public Relations?

"Spin Doctor", my dad confidently asserted after I informed him of my subject choices for the semester. "My daughter the Spin Doctor... not all that hard to imagine is it?"
Confusion and distain ran across my Mum's moral face. "Aren't they just people who make things up to make bad companies look good? Why would you want to do that?"
My brother Samuel, with a sly smirk, offered his two cents worth- "Because Grace wants to be Samantha Jones- thats why".

A conversation like this kicking off my decision to undertake a double major and combine PR with journalism made me wonder whether I'd made the right decision. The second lecture's emphasis on the similarities between PR and Propaganda didn't really help me out either. There is such a negative stigma surrounding Public Relations, and to be perfectly honest I don't know all that much about it.

I've taken it on though, knowing very little, hoping it will pay off because I think I'll be good at it. I'm a people person, thrive on being persuasive, and I enjoy consciously considering the way I am perceived by other people and how I can manipulate that. I think my natural interest in social impressions and perspectives could later be transfered into forming, maintaining and protecting the image of a person or company more worthwhile than my social reputation.

Call me a liar, the devil's advocate or a Sex and the City wannabe, but I think I'm suited to the field and am confident it can't be as bad as everyone makes out.


  1. Here's hoping things are becoming clearer as the semester progresses!!

  2. Haha, yes, thank God.
    It remains difficult to persuade people though! There seems to be a reputation around uni as well as the PR girls all wear blazers to try and seem as though they are bouncing between uni and the office.
    To be honest I see more of that in journalism, haha.
