Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 7: Strategic Planning, Workable Tactics and Evaluation

This week’s reading shone the PR spotlight of the seemingly synonymous ‘tactic’ and ‘strategy’, their differences and interdependence. What is highlighted is that while they are inextricably linked, tactics can only be formulated after a fully-fledged strategy has been established.
The complex task then remains for the Public Relations Practitioner to carefully consider and the skilfully implement their chosen poison. Here lies what I deduced was the most noteworthy concept from the reading- that in an era of change, unsteadiness and relentless dynamic shifts, it is the Public Relations Practitioner’s role to be on their toes at all times, developing a unique series of strategies and tactics to follow. But alas, it is important to remember that the most seemingly suitable set of tactics is never totally foolproof. Direct mail? Media Releases? Competitions? Celebrity endorsements? The forever scolded brochure? Who the heck is to know?
All that can done is to focus on an all-encompassing process of analysis, evaluation and implementation to (hopefully) most appropriately tailor to the objectives of the organisation and its decided PR strategy.
Furthermore, the most potentially effective tactics simply may not be an option for your organisation in its current position. Resultantly when ploughing through potential avenues for execution the Public Relations Practitioner must consider budget restraints and the subsequent restrictions on publication choice, colours, photos, whether they can afford ink at all and etc. Bottom line, the public relations practitioner must be aware of their current position in every aspect, develop a strategy to move towards the desired position and develop tactics to get there.

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