Thursday, October 15, 2009

Week 9: A Typical PR Plan

This week’s reading essentially highlighted the intricacies within and importance of controlling the planning and implementation process of a Public Relations Plan.
A key message from the article stressed the necessity for appropriate planning when constructing a PR plan. This appropriateness refers to the selection of the option most relevant to the specific goals of the campaign at all stages in the planning process. Most notably this refers to the chosen methods of research. Various avenues for gaining information are available to the practitioner, and it should be carefully queried which is the most suitable. For example, client surveys may be effective for a company with already engaged and receptive publics and could therefore rely on gaining results from a client survey. Conversely, if the company’s current position with their target audience is not a positive one, other methods of research must be introduced.
The reading also emphasised the importance of effective management in the implementation of a Public Relations plan. Effective leadership is crucial in guiding the company’s constituents to adopt the values and objectives of the campaign, and thus having a person guide and facilitate this process is imperative to its successful integration to the company at large.


  1. Hey Grace i love your summary i just read this so it was great to have it cemented in my head. I was just wondering if the organisation was in a negative relationship with its publics what research method would you suggest? I was thinking that a personal tactic such as an address to the dissatisfied group might work or even a change to policy reflecting their criticisms have been taken on could be effective? Any thoughts?

  2. No thoughts by Grace! Pity. It is late however and I think Grace has already left this assignment behind!
